Different types of application logic

[ python  business-logic  business-rules  refactoring  software-development  ]

Every project starts with functional requirements. We just want to have an application that does what we have specified. In this post, I would like to show that business rules can fall into various categories and what implications they could have.

Let’s take an example. Suppose, we have a system with customers and there is a feature that each customer can send vouchers to friends. When a user activates a voucher, she becomes a customer of the system with some starting bonus points. We have also some rules specified that clarify the process:

  • the voucher can be sent only by system users (customers)
  • voucher is sent by passing a target email address, however, there is only several email domains allowed
  • each voucher has bonus points. The value is dependent on user status. VIP customers can send vouchers with 10 bonus points, while a regular user with 3 points
  • when the process is completed, the voucher should be sent to the given email address
  • each customer can only send a maximum of 3 vouchers to different emails
  • customer can list sent vouchers. He can also see which vouchers have been activated

*Following implementations would be simplified for the sake of readability. We assume that our models are properly mapped to ORM classes or database tables and persisted, but it would be omitted in code listings.

Straightforward approach

Our system would need at least two models: Voucher(customer_id: int, points: int, is_active: bool, email: str) represents a voucher sent by a customer, and Customer(id: int, is_vip: bool) represents the customer that can send the voucher. We can start with a straightforward approach and implement all functional requirements inside two HTTP controllers (for code implementation, we use Python Flask framework + SQLAlchemy ORM, however it should be clear also for non-pythonic readers). The first one would be an endpoint that makes a POST request to send a voucher to a given email:

AVAILABLE_DOMAINS = ["test.com", "db.test"]

def get_customer(request: Request, session: Session) -> int:
    customer_id = # retrieve customer_id from request token to authenticate
    return session.query(Customer).get(customer_id)

def send_voucher_mail(email: str) -> None:
    # implement email sender to send a message with a voucher

@app.route("/vouchers", methods=["POST"])
def send_voucher(self):
    current_customer = get_customer(request)
    if not current_customer:
        raise AuthException()
    email = request.get_json().get("email")
    if not email:
        raise InputDataException()
    if email.split("@")[1] not in AVAILABLE_DOMAINS:
        raise InvalidEmailDomain()
    if (
        ) >= MAX_VOUCHERS
        raise MaxVoucherException()
    if (
            customer_id=current_customer.id, email=email
        raise VoucherAlreadySent()
    voucher_points = 10 if current_customer.is_vip else 3
    voucher = Voucher(
    return "Success"

The other endpoint lists all vouchers that the customer has sent using a GET request:

@app.route("/vouchers", methods=["GET"])
def vouchers(self):
    current_customer = get_customer(request)
    if not current_customer:
        raise AuthException()
    is_active = bool(request.args.get("is_active", 0))
    vouchers = session.query(Voucher).filter_by(
    if is_active:
        vouchers = vouchers.filter_by(is_active=is_active)
    return jsonify(
        [{"is_active": v.is_active, "points": v.points} for v in vouchers]

That solution would work and is good enough for fast prototyping. However, when our system is getting larger, it can lead to some problems. We have all requirements implemented in the same manner, while each of them can be categorized as a different logic type:

  • authentication and authorization
  • domain logic (invariants)
  • process logic (orchestration, coordination)
  • calculations (algorithms)
  • presentation logic
  • validation

Now, we will try to fit our requirements into the above categories and see what profits it can bring to us.

Separation of concerns

Authentication and authorization

The authentication step determines user identity (whether the user is signed in or ‘recognized’ by a system), while authorization refers to whether an authenticated user has access to a given resource. In our code, we have only an authentication step that can be enforced at HTTP controller entry. We can use a decorator that guards access to the endpoint or take the get_customer function that would be executed at the very beginning of the endpoint.

def get_customer(request: Request, session: Session) -> int:
    customer_id = # retrieve customer_id from request token to authenticate
    return session.query(Customer).get(customer_id)

@app.route("/vouchers", methods=["POST"])
def send_voucher(self):
    current_customer = get_customer(request)
    if not current_customer:
        raise AuthException()


This type of logic is focused on incoming data and checking its correctness. It does not need any knowledge about the current system state, so can be executed in the HTTP controller (as soon as possible). In our case, the validation step would be checking whether an email address is proper and the email domain belongs to the given list. We can represent our incoming email address as a value object Email that has parsed domain property.

AVAILABLE_DOMAINS = ["test.com", "db.test"]

class Email:
    def __init__(self, email_address: str):
        if "@" not in email_address:
            raise EmailValidationError()
        self.address = email_address

    def domain(self):
        return self.address.split("@")[1]

@app.route("/vouchers", methods=["POST"])
def send_voucher(self):
    if not request.get_json().get('email'):
        raise InputDataException()
    email = Email(request.get_json()["email"])
    if email.domain not in AVAILABLE_DOMAINS:
        raise InvalidEmailDomain()

Domain logic (invariants)

It is a core of business logic. Here we have decisions that are based on the current state of the system (need to query a database to get information). The best place to implement it is a domain layer. In our example, it would be the step checking whether a customer has not already sent a voucher to the given email and also that the customer has not exceeded the number of available vouchers. We can encapsulate this logic within a DDD-style aggregate VoucherSender that would only protect our invariants.


class VoucherSender:
    customer_id: int
    emails: list[str]

    def _check_send(self, email: Email) -> None:
        if email.address in self.emails:
            raise VoucherAlreadySent()
        if len(self.emails) >= MAX_VOUCHERS:
            raise MaxVoucherException()

    def register(self, email: Email, points: int) -> Voucher:
        return Voucher(points=points, customer_id=self.customer_id, email=email.address)


The separation of calculations can form a kind of black box. In our case, we just want to have a points value for our voucher, and to do it we use a standalone function that calculates it.

def calculate_points(is_vip: bool) -> int:
    return 10 if is_vip else 3

In the future, we can refine the implementation and use machine learning algorithms or customer-dependent policy patterns leaving the rest of our code intact.

Process logic

Process or coordination logic can show what your application really does (but not how). In this orchestration part of a code, we define the sequence of actions and delegate execution to other classes/functions (business process skeleton). This type of logic is usually placed in a service layer and is also responsible for retrieving objects from database and transaction management.

def send_voucher_mail(email: str) -> None:
    # implement email sender to send a message with a voucher

def send_voucher(session: Session, customer: Customer, email: Email) -> None:
    with transaction_scope(session):
        voucher_sender = get_or_create(
            session, VoucherSender, customer_id=customer_id
        voucher_sender.register(email, calculate_points(customer.is_vip))

@app.route("/vouchers", methods=["POST"])
def send_voucher(self):
    send_voucher(session, current_customer, email)
    return "Success"

We assume that our toolkit provides get_or_create functionality and we have a context manager transaction_scope to manage database transaction (commit / rollback).,

Presentation logic

Presentation logic often exploits read models to show something in User Interface. Depending on input parameters, a set of results are filtered and some attributes are hidden or transformed. This step in our application is represented by the vouchers GET endpoint. HTTP controller would parse incoming parameters, and use the get_vouchers function that performs filtering and serialize results.

def get_vouchers(customer_id: int, **filters):
    vouchers = session.query(Voucher).filter_by(customer_id=customer_id)
    if filters:
        vouchers = vouchers.filter_by(**filters)
    return vouchers

@app.route("/vouchers", methods=["GET"])
def vouchers(self):
    is_active = bool(request.args.get("is_active", 0))
    vouchers = get_vouchers(current_customer.id, is_active=is_active)
    return jsonify(
         [{"is_active": v.is_active, "points": v.points} for v in vouchers]


At the low code level rules usually are represented by sequences of “ifs” or loops. The most important thing here is to be aware that not all functional or business requirements have the same character. Above categorization can improve the separation of concerns in large systems by creating conditions to choose a pattern that fits best to a given category and place it in a proper layer. It can also make our code more testable. On the one hand, we can have comprehensive domain logic tests, and provide only a happy path check for process logic. You don’t have to introduce this separation from day one. Even if you attribute categories to your requirements items, it could improve your understanding of business demands massively.

Written on July 4, 2022